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Manager’s Amnesia

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  • Forgetting what it is like to be a non-managerial staff member
  • Acting like you are more important than those you supervise
  • Speaking in managerial tongues, using only jargon while mastering the art of speaking without actually saying anything
  • Facilitating meetings without direction or purpose
  • Withholding important information from your staff
  • Failing to provide adequate feedback
  • Making staff feel guilty for wanting to maintain a healthy work-life balance
  • Enforcing policies that don’t make any sense
  • Failing to invest in the development of your team
  • Showing up to a performance review with little to no preparation and only mentioning work done in the past two weeks
  • Passing the buck
  • Consistently adding more responsibilities to your team without taking any away
  • Asking for input and then completely ignoring it
  • Giving promotions to those you like, not those who deserve it
  • Putting the client first instead of your staff
  • Becoming more concerned with your relationship with upper management rather than with your own team
How Common

Roughly half of managers do not receive any training or support and as a result, many suffer from MANAGER’S AMNESIA. This poor management practice results in nearly 50% of staff leaving their job at some point to get away from such managers.


MANAGER’S AMNESIA is contracted when people enter the management world and forget what it is like to be a staff member. They take on the persona of what they believe a manager should be rather than becoming the manager they always hoped for when they were on the front lines. They embrace their newfound power and often use that power as leverage over others. They begin to do all of the things they complained about other managers doing when they were being supervised. It is a strange and common phenomenon in which all previous knowledge, values and beliefs seem to disappear. As the condition develops, it is made worse if not treated.

Risk Factors

MANAGER’S AMNESIA appears to be largely environmental and thrives in organizations that perpetuate and reward it. The condition is common in people who are more concerned with power than becoming effective leaders. Lack of empathy and a drive for status are particularly strong risk factors.

Diagnosed By

Staff members. They are the most qualified to diagnose MANAGER’S AMNESIA.

Treatment Options

MANAGER’S AMNESIA is easily treatable. Awareness and acknowledgment is the first step of treatment followed by a heavy dosage of proper training and coaching. Holding open discussions with team members where feedback and open discussion occur also helps alleviate symptoms. A strong desire to get better is essential.


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Did You Know?

Only 20% of employees say they are managed in a way that motivates them.


88% of managers who receive effective coaching and training experience an increase in performance and an improvement of symptoms of MANAGER’S AMNESIA.

For a full list of symptoms, visit the Katherine Spinney Coaching website

This post does not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment but it does provide sound coaching and leadership information. If you think you may be experiencing Manager’s Amnesia, contact us immediately for treatment.

© 2018 Katherine Spinney Coaching, LLC. All rights reserved.

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